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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Madonna Comic Book Biography Due In August

The Material Girl’s already a she-ro in The Pop World, but she’s about to become a superhero to comic book lovers. Suburban Detroit’s own Madonna Ciccone will see the story of her life — from her days as a college dropout-turned-dancer to her trek to New York City with just a few dollars to her name — recreated in comic book form.

The “Borderline” star joins First Lady Michelle Obama, Republican darling Sarah Palin, journalist Barbara Walters and Betty White, Hollywood icon, as the latest femme trendsetter to be immortalized in a 32 page graphic biographic by Bluewater Productions’ Female Force comics.

“Our goal is to show the little-known events and influences that resulted in Madonna becoming the phenomenon she remains to this day, more than a quarter-century after she burst upon the scene,” says Jason Schultz, Bluewater’s executive vice president. “A visual medium provides perspective that is not only accessible but more relatable to the average person without losing any of the information involved,” he adds.

C.W. Clark, who wrote the Madonna comic, chimes in with: “Most pop stars owe everything to this woman. It’s amazing all of the things that she’s done in her lifetime, and I have a feeling that this is still only the beginning.”

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