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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Lynn Patridge, Trump Share Kiss On "Audrina"

Donald Trump makes an appearance on this Sunday's episode of "Audrina" -- and so do his kissing skills, unfortunately.

Audrina Patridge and her mom, Lynn, stop into his N.Y.C. office to chat with him about possible job opportunities for Audrina.

Trump tells Audrina she's "beautiful and smart" and he'd love to have her as a contestant on "Celebrity Apprentice" or as a judge on "Miss Universe," which he produces.

He then gushes to the mother and daughter about how "fantastic" they are -- and that's when things get really creepy.

"I'll give her a small kiss," says the married Trump as he embraces Audrina.

"I'll give her a big kiss," Trump then says, referring to Lynn, who’s also married. "Come here!"

As Audrina looks on in horror, her mother and Trump share two kisses followed by a hug, another kiss and then some lingering hand-holding before Lynn finally tears herself away.

"Beautiful, wow," Trumps says -- and then licks his lips.

Be sure to have a bucket handy to throw up in Sunday when the episode airs on VH1 at 9pm.

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