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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The "Real" Deal On O.C.'s Fernanda Rocha

http://secretelitesociety.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/fernanda-rocha.jpgBrazilian-born fitness trainer Fernanda Rocha is one of the new cast members joining this season's Real Housewives of Orange County—and the first lesbian to join the show. She spoke candidly with Natasha Hemley of Windy City Times.

Windy City Times: What made you decide to go on the RHOC?

Fernanda Rocha: New adventure, new opportunity in life. I am all about going for new things and when the opportunity came in front of me, I just saw a fantastic and fun adventure where I would be making new friends, meeting new people. Hopefully, put a big message out their about myself.

Windy City Times: You were married once, correct?

Fernanda Rocha: Yes!

Windy City Times: What made you decide to date women after your marriage?

Fernanda Rocha: Something inside me, I knew I had to search my soul. I got divorced [ and ] found someone wonderful. I connected. We spent many years together. It was a second marriage.

Windy City Times: Some news sources say that you are not a lesbian, but bisexual instead. How do you answer that?

Fernanda Rocha: I know who I am. I do believe in my vision for life: [ to ] have a family, with a woman and a little bambino very soon. This is what I'm putting out there. What people say, I cannot control that.

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5139/5412269056_7c759602a3.jpgWindy City Times: In the beginning of the show you are introduced as Tamra Barney's friend. How long have you guys known each other?

Fernanda Rocha: Tamra and Gretchen were shooting in one bar here in Laguna. I was finishing my shooting with my clothing line and I went there to celebrate. They saw a couple of my friends wearing the line; we made a connection. They start asking about the clothing, the gym. We exchanged cards and eventually Tamra came along, and she knew that I had a Brazilian booty class and said, "I am going to bring the girl. We want to take the class." We became part of our connection there.

Windy City Times: Bravo is quoted in a statement saying "Fernando and Tamra are pals and they love to flirt." Is there something to that?

Fernanda Rocha: I am single I flirt. I love to flirt and Tamra and I have an interesting connection. You have to watch and then you'll understand a little bit more, but [ we are ] flirting in a very healthy way. We all do, right?

Windy City Times: Are you dating anyone right now?

Fernanda Rocha: No, I'm open for love.

Windy City Times: Will we see you express that on the show?

Fernanda Rocha: Yeah, you will.

Windy City Times: What should fans of the show expect from you this season?

Fernanda Rocha: They're going to get the chance to get to know me. Just watch; you'll see. I cannot judge myself. I think I'm wonderful. I hope they think the same about me.

Credit: Windy City Times (Natasha Hemley)

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